The Desert Sector is the main area on Eaden, having the shopping district and the city there. Many wermz choose to live here for the housing and guild, large numbers providing safety and a robust trading community.The desert is the bridge to the other sectors surrounding it, it is by far the largest and most developed.

A deserted shopping area is where Spire lives. A hole in the wall protected by barbed wire leads to a couple of rooms that serve as their living space. One is their bedroom, a single window illuminates the mat on the floor and a box of crystals that they collect. Spire prefers not to own much, but this room has the most objects and keepsakes, like drawings, photos and some books.Spire once had a mentor when they were a young werm. Atlantic looked over them for a few months, finally leaving when he was sure Spire could take care of themselves. Years passed, and unfortunately, Spire no longer remembered what their mentor looked like... just streaks of sea foam green blur their memories.

After a scavenge to the abandoned labs went wrong, their biggest goal now is to gather enough crystals to channel their lightning powers. Something inside them urges to hurry, but Spire isn't sure why they just can't control themselves enough to do something else other than that. They try to remember what happened that night, but nothing comes to mind.

The Tropical Sector is on the East side, a slightly smaller area compared to the desert. It has a large amount of vegetation and animals; usually birds, reptiles and small mammals are present. It also has rivers that lead up to one lake, where a settlement including a wildlife reserve is stationed.Wermz here most often deal with humid and hot weather, with temperatures dropping at night.

The Agricultural Sector is on the West side, the smallest sector of all of them. It is considered more of an outpost than anything, a land covered in wheat and other greenery to sustain the small number of animals living there. Wermz who live here are well versed in mechanics (most of the time) as a lot of metal scrap ends up there.The animal diversity on Eaden is quite lacking after [REDACTED], but some managed to survive and thrive in a couple of the sectors.


The Polar Sector is on the North side, about the same size as the desert. It is a cold barren wasteland surrounded by an 80 feet wall that is closed off from visitors. A station for research is present with some staff, but no other life forms are known to the public.

The Cyberpunk alternate universe to Eaden.Everything is now high-tech, computerized, and scavenging for scrap is the thing of the past. The Desert sector of Eaden is a bustling cyberpunk city, filled with robotic wermz and those with upgraded cyberware. A ragtag group of netrunners have formed a guild to take down those at the top.

The Magic Forest is something most regular wermz do not know about, it is a safe haven for the Gods and Deities of Eaden. It's exactly what it says on the tin, a large neverending forest where the magical and weird come to live and sometimes hide from those that should not know about them.The main ruler is [REDACTED], the God of all creations. It watches over to make sure everything goes as planned, as fate is fate.

The God of Realms isn't able to leave his own. A portal only opens every spring to mid summer, a short moment for his lover to visit for a few hours at a time. A bittersweet goodbye happens every year, the portal closes summer to winter.